Maartist dx7 patches
Maartist dx7 patches

maartist dx7 patches - uses jackd to provide a realtime interface to the model. - takes two samples from the dataset and produces a cartridge that moves between the two in latent space over 32 steps If you want to train your own version then start here.į - simple feature extractor for the dataset, used to calculate the model posterior.

Maartist dx7 patches code#

This was found to be around 99.9% uniqueĮ - was a script designed to create a single cartridge and was used during development to ensure the model was outputting valid parameter configurations.Į - contains the code to run the experiment. The scripts in here do the following:ĭ - samples randomly from the prior and calculates the number of identical patches. The training code can be found in NeuralDX7/solvers/ and is a fairly standard VAE+Flow optimisation setupįinally the training script itself, as well as various other scripts used to perform various functions with the trained model can be found under projects/dx7_vae. The model itself is defined under NeuralDX7/models/, it is a simple VAE with triangular sylvester flows implemented with attention layers over the parameters of the DX7. If you've found your way here through then this section will give an overview of how that site generates patches. │ ├── # experimental modules │ ├── # working model used in production of │ ├── stochastic_nodes # layers implementing stochastic transformations │ │ ├── # two layer non linear layer using GeLU non-linearity │ ├── attention # modules implementing transformer stack based on Attention Is All You Need This thing is a Tank.├── datasets # modules to interface with preprocessed datasets Well Packaged and Shipped Insured, shipping flat rate $85. I have been using this as one large 5 DX7's Synth, I like to route these to a mixer and mix between 5 sounds each to create 1 huge sound. I consider these patches to be of high caliber, I cannot guarantee that you will like all 256 sounds but there are lots of great ones. Sounds from the Yamaha VRC Collection, SoundSource Super LA D50/D70 collection, and various other carts I have owned over the years. This one is loaded with 5 banks of my favorite sounds. I just installed new battery holders and batteries in all 5 modules - they are metering above 3.3 Volts I would say the sounds are also more powerful than my MKI.

maartist dx7 patches

To my ears this edition of the DX7 has a prettier, cleaner sound like the MKII as opposed to the grittier sound of the original MKI. So basically you get 4 working modules and a fifth that is still useful but not fully functional to factory spec. I also like to use it as an arpeggio that runs during a track that comes and goes a bit, not a bad thing for a running arpeggio. It is still useful to add some texture to a large 5 module sound, distorted FM bass or clav is pretty tasty honestly. The Fifth module is a bit distorted and the volume comes and goes a bit. Seems like the battery works as it should but sometimes when booting up it doesn't see the voltage and triggers the error. It doesn't give this error very often but I feel it needs mentioned. The fourth works perfectly but sometimes gives a battery error - but it always keeps its sounds. Nice overall condition for a 35 year old Synth - See Pics! Yamaha TX516 - 5 DX7's in a Rack! - 5 Digital FM Synthesizers

Maartist dx7 patches